September 25, 2014
Are you a distracted driver?
2011 GMAC Insurance Study Shows Youngest and Oldest Drivers Least Distracted
Unexpected results from the Distracted Driving Study from GMAC Insurance shows that the least experienced and youngest drivers are the least likely to have distracted driving habits. Apart from selecting songs on an MP3 player, teen drivers are far less likely than drivers ages 18 to 34 to engage in all other non-driving related activities. Not surprisingly, drivers over 60 years old are far less likely than young adult drivers to engage in any distracted driving habits.
- Fifty-seven percent of young adult drivers say they eat while they drive, as opposed to only 39 percent of teen drivers and 38 percent of drivers over 60 years old.
- About 30 percent of young adult drivers admit to adjusting their GPS, while only four percent of teens and only 13 percent of drivers over 60 years old admit to doing the same.
- Only 28 percent of young adult drivers say they have completely eliminated using their smart phones to text, email, and make calls. That’s opposed to 75 percent of teen drivers and 72 percent of drivers over 60 years old who say they have stopped using their mobile devices completely while driving.
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