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October 19, 2011

Five Steps to Take After an Accident

Five Steps to Take After an Accident

If you’re ever in an accident, it’s easy to forget what to do right away. Follow these five steps to ensure the safety of you, your passengers and everyone else involved:

  1. Call the Police. Even for small accidents, call 911. Police will help redirect traffic and document the incident.
  2. Avoid Additional Damage. Move your car from the roadway as soon as possible to prevent additional collisions.
  3. Get the Right Information for the Insurance Process. You’ll need the other driver’s name, license, phone number, insurance information and license plate number.
  4. Document the Accident. From taking pictures of the damage and the overall accident to interviewing witnesses and taking down their information. The more accident evidence you can gather for the insurance claim, the better.
  5. File an Accident Report. File a state vehicle accident report (available at police stations and DMV websites) to help speed up the claims process.

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